The following sets forth the privacy policies and rules for handling personal data and information of users who access and use our website (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy” and “Personal Information”).

By using or accessing this Website, you will be asked to provide certain Personal Information, including but not limited to, a valid email address and Personal Information considered personal data under the laws of the United States. Your Personal Information, in some cases (depending on the Product or Service purchased through the website), is transmitted to Clients or processed directly by Quantum Trade (as defined in the Terms and Conditions of the Website –the “Terms and Conditions”, of which this Privacy Policy is an integral part). Quantum Trade (the “Company”) is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes the Personal Information that the Company collects about Users (as defined in the Terms and Conditions), its use, management, and handling.

Browsing the Website implies full and unconditional acceptance of all the conditions of use of the Website, including the Terms and Conditions, this Privacy Policy, and acceptance of data processing by the Company, as described in this Privacy Policy. By accessing, browsing, or using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with all the conditions and terms set forth herein. If you do not agree with the conditions described in, or do not accept, the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Policy, you must refrain from accessing, browsing, and using this Website, and if you wish, communicate your disagreement to the Company. Capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy will have the meaning given to them in the Terms and Conditions of the Website.

This Privacy Policy aims to ensure that the information managed through this website, including your Personal Information, is kept private and secure. This document determines the type of information we manage and how we do so. To collect, manage, use, transmit to Clients or non-Clients, and process your Personal Information in any way, the Company and its Clients require your prior, express, and free consent, which has been obtained from you by the mere fact of your access, browsing, and use of this Website.


By accepting the Terms and Conditions, of which this Privacy Policy is an integral part, you freely, expressly, and previously acknowledge that you have been informed about the rights granted to you by law and jurisprudence as the holder of your personal data, as outlined below: a. Know, update, and rectify your personal data with the Company and its Clients or any other entity responsible for the processing or handling of your personal data. This right can be exercised, among other things, concerning partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fragmented data that may lead to error, or those whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized. b. Request proof of the authorization granted to the data controller except when expressly exempted as a requirement for processing. c. Be informed by the data controller or the data processor, upon request, regarding the use that has been made of your personal data. d. File complaints for violations of data protection regulations. e. Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the personal data when the processing does not respect constitutional and legal principles, rights, and guarantees. Revocation and/or deletion will only proceed when it has been determined that the data controller or processor has engaged in conduct contrary to the law and the Constitution. f. Access your personal data that has been subject to processing for free.

Furthermore, you acknowledge that it is your discretion to provide the Company and its Clients with sensitive data as defined by applicable regulations and that it is entirely your choice to provide any sensitive or non-sensitive personal data required by the Website. You are fully free to choose not to provide your sensitive or non-sensitive personal data. However, not providing the personal data required by the Website prevents its operation and your access to the information contained therein.

This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use.


The information requested from the user includes but is not limited to: (i) Personal identification; (ii) IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer this website. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer when you use the internet. Your IP address is also used to help identify you within a particular session and to collect general demographic information; (iii) Email address; (iv) First and last name; (v) Gender; (vi) Address; (vii) Date of birth; (viii) Phone number; (ix) Financial information; (x) Information about a legal entity, in the events that the User is a legal entity if it is part of the request, including business type, financial data, and company size, and other questions deemed necessary for the acquisition of the Products or Services offered on the Website.

The Company and its Clients automatically collect and store certain information about the activity of Users within this Website. Such information may include the URL, meaning the Uniform Resource Locator from which they come (whether or not they are on this website), which URL they access next (whether or not they are on this website), which browser they are using, as well as the pages visited, searches performed, publications, purchases or sales, messages, etc. In case of phone interaction, the User authorizes the Company to record and monitor the call for quality control and evidence of product or service acquisition.


To fulfill the purpose of this Website, certain data that may be considered personal according to applicable regulations is required. Collecting such personal data and the User’s Personal Information allows us to offer functionalities that better suit your needs. By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user also expressly, freely, voluntarily, and previously authorizes the Company, its Clients, and partners to send you information about products and services presented on this website and offers of products and services that we believe may be of interest to you through various means and channels (including phone calls, postal mail, messaging, email, SMS, or text messages, etc.). The collection, management, use, and in certain cases, transmission to third parties of the personal data provided by users have the following purposes: a. For the Client and the Company to contact the User to offer the Products and Services offered on the Website. b. For the Company and its Clients to contact the User directly whenever the Company and its Clients, at their discretion, deem it appropriate to inform them through various means and channels (including email, SMS, or text messages, WhatsApp messages, phone calls, Facebook Messenger, and any social network) about the Products or Services presented on this Website. c. To develop internal studies on the interests, behavior, and demographics of Users to better understand their needs and interests and provide a better service or related information. d. To improve our services by analyzing the pages most visited by Users, the searches performed, and thus perfect our content, presentation, and services. e. To send information or messages about new products and/or services, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest to our users, and any other information that the Company and its Clients deem appropriate. If the User prefers, they can request to be excluded from promotional or advertising information lists. f. To share and transmit Users’ personal data with Clients and partners who provide or offer the Products or Services presented on this Website so that they can contact the Users. To ensure the proper handling of Personal Information, the Company and its Clients may enter into agreements or contracts to maintain the privacy of our Users’ personal data. However, Clients or third-party recipients of such personal data are solely responsible for the use of the user’s personal data they collect. In some cases, Clients will request information directly from the User, a request and processing for which the User releases the Company from liability. In such cases, it is up to the User to provide all the information they wish and any additional uses the Clients may make of it. In case the User provides additional information directly to Clients, such Clients will use that information according to their own privacy policies. g. To share Users’ personal data with companies that help improve or facilitate operations through this Website. To ensure the proper handling of Personal Information, the Company and its Clients will enter into agreements or contracts aimed at maintaining the privacy of our Users’ personal data. However, these companies are solely responsible for the use of the user’s personal data. h. To provide Users’ personal data to entities involved in resolving disputes between them, such as insurance companies or competent courts to resolve such disputes. i. To contact me by any means (including email, SMS, or text messages, WhatsApp messages, phone calls, Facebook Messenger, and any social network) for the judicial or extrajudicial collection of outstanding payment obligations arising from the acquisition of Products or Services provided by the company.


The Company and its Clients maintain the security of your personal data and make their best efforts to prevent unauthorized access, following security measures and operational methods to prevent the leakage and/or unauthorized use of your personal data. If you want more information about the measures or methods, contact us at the following email addresses: However, the Company and its Clients are not responsible for illegal interceptions or violations of their systems or databases by unauthorized persons, nor for the improper use of the information obtained by such means.

Our Website is only available to those who have the legal capacity to contract. Therefore, those who do not meet this condition should refrain from providing personal information to be included in our databases unless they do so through their legal representatives, parents, guardians, or custodians, as established by applicable laws.


The personal data of Users will be managed, used, and in certain cases transmitted to Clients and partners only in the ways established in these Privacy Policies. The Company, its partners, and Clients will strive to protect the privacy of the information. The Company, its partners, and Clients will only disclose the information for legal reasons or judicial or administrative decisions that so require. If third parties intercept or access certain information or data transmissions without the knowledge of the Company or its Clients, they will not be liable for the information disclosed.


The User of this Website acknowledges, accepts, and authorizes that the Company and its Clients may use a tracking system through the use of cookies (“Cookies”). Cookies are small files installed on the hard drive, with a limited duration, that help personalize services. We also offer certain functionalities that are only available through the use of Cookies. Cookies are used to understand the interests, behavior, and demographics of those who visit or are visitors to this Website, thereby understanding their needs and interests better and providing them with better service or related information. We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages navigated by the User, the searches performed, improve our services, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, news, perfect our services, presentation, and offer of contents and articles, personalize such contents. The Company and its Clients use Cookies so that the User does not have to enter their password so frequently during a browsing session, to count and verify registrations, User activity, and other concepts and commercial agreements, always aiming for the benefit of the User who receives them, and will not be used for other purposes not established here. It is established that the installation, permanence, and existence of Cookies on the User’s or visitor’s computer depend on their exclusive will and can be removed from their computer whenever they wish. To find out how to remove Cookies from the system, it is necessary to review the Help section of the browser. Cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties can also be found on certain pages of this Website. The Company and its Clients do not control the use of Cookies by third parties.


In the event of a sale, merger, acquisition, consolidation, change in corporate control, transfer, or assignment of assets for any reason, including but not limited to the database containing the Information, reorganization or liquidation of the Company or its clients, the user authorizes the Company or its Clients to transfer the information collected on this website. Likewise, the user authorizes Quantum Trade to share the Information with its parent company, subsidiaries, or affiliates, and with its advisors, employees, and contractors, in the United States or abroad, who must maintain complete confidentiality of the Information.

This authorization is understood to be free, explicit, express, and informed consent from the User as the owner of their personal data for their personal data to be transferred and/or transmitted to third parties located in third countries and/or in the United States. Likewise, this authorization will be understood as the User’s declaration and acceptance that their personal data abroad will be governed by the laws of the country where the data is processed or processed.

The area responsible for handling requests, inquiries, and complaints is customer service. In this area, the owner of the information can exercise their rights to know, update, rectify, and delete data and revoke the authorization.

The contact details are:


Procedure for the holder to know, update, rectify, delete information, and revoke authorization:


All users can file PQR through the communication channels provided by the company for this purpose. These means are:

  • Sending your request via email

In case of complaints, the user must include names, surnames, identification number, and registered email address on the Website. They must also include information about the facts giving rise to the complaint. We will address the complaint within a maximum of 15 business days from the date of receipt.


The Company may modify these Privacy Policies at any time. Any changes will be effective once published on this Website. Depending on the nature of the change, we may announce it through: (a) the homepage of this website. In any case, continuous use of this website implies acceptance by the user of this Privacy Policy and its changes. If the user does not agree with the current Privacy Policy, they should refrain from using this website.


The Company will use your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill commercial purposes, and/or as long as necessary to comply with contractual or legal obligations. This policy is effective from June 2024 and applies to Quantum Trade and all its subsidiaries.